Adaptive Technologies

Adaptive Technology is a broad term often used to describe both the products and services for people with disabilities It enhances the vocation, recreation, education, and independence of the user. Some types of adpative technology are:

IOS Voice Over

The ios voice over is gesture based screen so you can enjoy using your iphone even if you dont see it. You hear a description of everything thats happening on your screen.

  • This adaptive tchnology is designed for people who are hearing impaired
  • It can be used if you aren't hearing impaired
  • PRICE: $30.00
  • Android Assistant Menu

    The assistant menu is a small onscreen contextual menu which gives you access to all the important features of your phone (Notification panel, Home, back, recent buttons...). It aims to improve single handed operation on your mobile

  • Its designed for people want to use their phome with one hand or for people who have a dexterity issue
  • High Contrast Colour Scheme (Windows)

    It heightens the color contrast of text, window boarders and images on the screen, to make them more visible and easier to read and identify

  • This adapative technologie is for people who have an eye-sight disability
  • you could use it if you arent visaully impaired
  • Movie TV Audio Description

    Narration added to the soundtrack to describe important visual details that cannot be understood from the main soundtrack

  • For people who are blind, have low vision and or who are otherwise visually impaired
  • It depends if the movie or tv show has audio description
  • Adaptive Mouse

    The adaptive mouse supplies access to on board cursor speed control and an alarm to alert someone when you are having a diffucult time, the light touch keys are very easy to push aswell as the tactile and the auditory feedback

  • This Adaptive technologie is for people with Parkinson's, Cerebral Palsy, and other physical disabilites.
  • This mouse would work if you have tremors but a regular mouse work for people who have no disabilites
  • PRICE 100$
  • TTY Phones

    Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

    Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

    Here's how you can add an image:

    Here's how to make a list:

    To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!